
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mod-Podge of Great Posts

For lack of a better idea, and because I've been reading some great posts lately, I thought I would just link them for you to read as well!

Amy at The Finer Things in Life posted about cooking dried beans. She explains in full detail how much money it will save. When we first got married, I tried the 'quick-soak method' without much success. The beans were cooked...but not...Last week I tried the crock-pot style and found it to be quite simple. It took awhile in the sense of, you must plan ahead. Sometimes I am good at that...and then sometimes I don't know what happens! You can freeze the beans too, so my advice would be to cook the beans now, so that when you want them, you have them. I really should take a bit of my own advice there...

Beans in the Crock-Pot

  1. Rinse and pick through the beans. You want to get any that are split and check for dirt clumps and rocks.
  2. Place in crock-pot and cover with water about 2-3 inches above the beans. Add 1 Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Let sit (not plugged in) for at least 6 hours (can be overnight). If you are in a pretty warm climate, you can place the pot in the fridge to keep anything bad from growing...
  3. Next, rinse the beans, getting rid of the old water and add new water. 
  4. Turn the crock-pot on and let them cook for about 8 hours. 
  5. Eat and enjoy or freeze for later. 

She also has a great post about making two when cooking. I should do that as well!

Next up, Simple Mom wrote about ORGANIZING--7 Organizing Myths Debunked. She addresses the cost and purpose of organizing. I know I can get distracted by all of the pretty organizing done in magazines like Real Simple, but it just comes down to the old saying, "Everything having a place and everything in it's place." Really makes a big difference! I really love to organize, but sometimes I just don't take the time. My deep, but narrow cabinets in my kitchen just have no day I'll have a real kitchen. :-) 

I think even more than the organizing post, I really liked, Start Your Day by Eating a Frog. For one, the title really catches your eye, and maybe your stomach...I may just have to leave it at that and let your curiosity and mouse find out what that is about! Let me just say this, if I really applied it, I would be much more productive! 

Pretty Organized Palace had a great post on Homemade Christmas Gifts. I know, it's January, meaning Christmas is barely behind us. But while I succeeded in making Homemade Body Scrub (thanks, V!), I hope to make more gifts for next Christmas and it would be much easier if I got a head start on this. Maybe not January, but at least I can think about it! Perhaps even use some of the ideas for Birthday presents. Here's another one from Make Room For Living.While on the subject of presents, you should also check out this brilliant use of paint samples that I always feel guilty about throwing away. 

My goal this February is to try these recipes because every time I look at the posts, my mouth waters and my tummy rumbles. Tomato Sauce with Onion and Butter, Zuppa Tuscana Soup and Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day--using tips from House on Hill Road. Hubby bought me the book for Christmas, and I'm not sure what is holding me back! The bread looks AMAZING! 

For the record, this post was quite simple because I have learned how to utilize my Google Reader. I still enjoy going directly to a few blogs, but I find that I am able to browse many more. And then all I have to do is *star* what I like. Such bliss....


  1. thanks tasha! i always love new reader links!

  2. Oooo, I'll be starring this post in my Reader! Heh, thanks for the beans tip. (I ended up throwing mine out...they never made it to the crock pot after I tortured them on the stove top.)

    And the dsharp blog is quite stunning! Thanks for all the links!! :)
