
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

True Hospitality

"...True hospitality doesn’t wear us out or make us feel pressured; life-sharing is not entertaining in our own strength. It flows from a heart full of love for others. Christ’s love, which doesn’t come from our own self-effort, is a work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The love of Christ is what draws people to God. This loves transforms a party or other event into true hospitality. Hospitality, then, is not an event; it is genuine concern for another’s well-being.” ~Vonette Bright

A quote that stood out to me while reading through the Passionate Homemaker's summary of Practicing Hospitality: The Joy of Serving Others by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock. Sounds like a great book that I hope to one day read. For now, I'm learning quite a bit just from her summary. I thought I would pass on the quote, as it really challenged and reminded me...once not lean on my own strength, but the Father's. He calls me to be faithful, but the details are up to Him. Mmm...I am so glad for that!

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